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Happy - Happy 2025

Amy Carmichael

Billie Ocean sang; When the going gets tough the tough get going. If you are from my generation that song was a chart topper. It shapped the times. The good old 1980's mostly refered to climbing a business ladder and keeping up with the Jone's. It was a remarkable time to be a kid but not very realistic.

After surviving emotional damage from the free-spirited 70's social programs meant to liberate children from the colors pink and blue, the 80's stepped in confusing most everyone with its sparkling gold wish- fullfilling glutton feast. If you had a strong work ethic then everything was possible.

You may be asking what is my point? The build up to 2025 is very similar in nature to the 1970's, the emphasis being " in nature". Que up Seals and Crofts song Summer Breeze here. Still, the differences are many in the past 50 years for example big tech is at the forefront. Technology is improving in leaps and bounds. Did I write this post or was it generated by an AI prompt saving me time and grammar skills? Clearly I am writting in real time or you might not get the first person sarcasm that I tend to fall back on. Yes times have changed, times are changing and the only thing constant is change.

However, internally, in the realm of spirit, have we changed at all? No, no we have not. Not many of us have taken the time to upgrade our breathe system that regulates this miracle of a body. I find that to be so odd when it is free to do. Fortunately it is trendy in this day and age to to do spiritual things. To the eye-covering of many religious pundits our choices for picking a spirirtual calling are broad and wide. At least many of these paths incourage if not superficially looking inward to develop an interpersonal relationship with the Holy Spark of Divinity in its many names and forms.

Where I live in Southern California most people have some brand of spirituality in their mix of busyness. It is a wonderful place to be a psychic reader/reiki practitioner as the conversations are many and people want to improve their lives here. It is uplifting daily for me to engage with such strong motivated people. Having said that I do notice a common thread and the reason I am starting to write on my little blog again is for just that. The thread is Shaddow Work. What is it? How do I access it? How do I heal it?

I do regularly work with the shaddow self in my practice. This conversation is not a mystery to me.

Recently I found at a thrift store a wonderful resource to get this conversation going. I heard share the wealth of information as I picked up the shiny red box. While I cannot remmove anyones shaddow issues I can offer some clues as to where to look for them. The next blog series will be just that! I am so excited to present this information from an incredible sourse and I will be adding my 2 cents in the commentary.

Get ready if you would like, to dine on one pomogrante seed each month and see where it takes you.

The journies are many, the destination is one.

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