After texting my Dad tonight I even more strongly realize that so much has happened this past year. In some ways it has been a very wonderful experience. I have fully begun many offerings in the world of Reiki Vila Cova. If you have in any way been a part of this creative endeavor I thank you!
In other ways I feel like life has changed too much, for example, I can barely recognize my country anymore. Saying this outloud is a way for me to be human and very much myself. I wish that this coming year we all make decisions and continue to have relationships that relflect who we truly are and that we align with people and things that are truly good, not just a masquerade.
Well, I do love a fun party dress so at least for the season "get out your tap shoes Frances"! Anyone catch the reference? It's an All American great! Happy 2024 and this year will truly be one where those who prepared will reap the reward. With love and light. XXOO